
Tim Scheiderer is a freelance writer and editor. He obtained his writing chops working for ABC News, Fox News, and CNN. After learning the news business, he spent time getting his clients on the news or in the newspaper working for a Washington, DC-based PR firm. His highlights include doing book publicity for people like Newt Gingrich and Chuck Norris and movie publicity for Paramount Pictures.

Tim Scheiderer holds an M.Div. from Southern Seminary. He and his family reside in metro Washington, DC. His essays and articles have been published by ERLC, Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, HarperCollins’ CSLewis.com, and Mere Orthodoxy. If you would like him to speak to your church or other audience about one of the topics he has written about, please feel free to contact him.


The written word is a sun shining upon one’s thoughts. It reveals confusion, clutter, or clarity.

The written word is a window through which one’s emotions are seen. It displays charity, fervor, disgust, or goodwill, amongst many others.

The written word is a seismic force shaping world history. It has codified faith traditions. It has built nations. Most importantly, it has revealed the Sovereign and the nature of the soul and its two possible destinies.

It is because of the written word’s power this website is published in hopes of continuing to flesh out the impact of scriptural truths upon this current age.